Saturday March 8, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
I/C-Education Administration 1.5

This presentation and conversation revolve around getting and keeping “New Blood” into your department, but more importantly, having your department, company, and team ready for the “Transfusion.” Throughout this presentation, we’ll discuss different learning styles, teaching techniques, communication considerations, and recruitment strategies that bridge the ever-growing gap between the seasoned servant and the new one. We’ll hear actual concerns brought to us by young folks who are on the fence about public service. We’ll discuss what it is that we are really asking from our new recruits. Finally, we’ll present ideas on how to keep “New Blood” infused into our bodies, and what that means to the future of how we do business.

At the conclusion of this course, the participant will be able to:

Evaluate common challenges regarding recruitment, retention, and education of cadet-aged and young responders and discover ways to overcome those challenges by creating actionable strategies that benefit the overall team.
avatar for Jeromy Robertson

Jeromy Robertson

Chief Fire Instructor, Van Buren Tech-Regional Training Center
As a fourth-generation firefighter, Jeromy has responded to emergencies in Alaska and Michigan. He has been honored to respond in various capacities: volunteer, paid-on-call, part-time and full-time firefighter, paramedic, and Assistant Chief.Today, Jeromy is a full-time fire instructor... Read More →
Saturday March 8, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST

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